Saturday, August 10, 2019

Script to get details of RTF file using RTF file name in Oracle Apps


Using below script you get details of RTF file.

SELECT xddt.Data_source_name "TEMPLATE NAME"
  ,xl.file_name              "RTF FILE NAME"
  ,fcp.concurrent_program_name  "CONCURRENT PROGRAM NAME"
  ,fat.application_name         "APPLICATION NAME"
FROM xdo_lobs xl
  ,xdo_templates_b xtb
  ,xdo_ds_definitions_tl xddt
  ,fnd_concurrent_programs fcp
  ,fnd_application_tl  fat
WHERE xl.application_short_name = xtb.application_short_name
AND  xl.lob_code = xtb.template_code
AND  xtb.data_source_code = xddt.data_source_code
AND  xddt.data_source_code  = fcp.concurrent_program_name
AND  fat.language = xddt.language
AND  xddt.language = 'US'
AND  xl.lob_type = 'TEMPLATE_SOURCE'
AND  fcp.application_id = fat.application_id
AND  xl.file_name  = 'XXRCV_009.rtf';


'XXRCV_009.rtf' -- This is rtf file, you replace name with your RTF file name.


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