By using below SQL script you get all records (Open and Closed) of Delivery Details of Order management.SELECT DISTINCT wnd.name "Delivery number",
party.party_name "Consignee",
(wloc1.location_code||' '||wloc1.address1||' '||wloc1.city||' '||wloc1.postal_code||' '||wloc1.country) "Ultimate Ship to",
(SELECT meaning
FROM fnd_lookup_values
AND lookup_code = wnd.status_code
AND language = 'US') "Delivery Status",
(SELECT meaning
FROM fnd_lookup_values
AND lookup_code = wnd.planned_flag
AND language = 'US') "Firm Status",
wnd.attribute1 "Exceptions",
(wloc2.location_code||' '||wloc2.address1||' '||wloc2.city||' '||wloc2.postal_code||' '||wloc2.country) "Initial Ship from",
wnd.initial_pickup_date "Initial Pick-Up Date",
ood.organization_code "Org Code",
(SELECT meaning
FROM fnd_lookup_values
WHERE lookup_type ='FREIGHT TERMS'
AND language = 'US'
AND lookup_code = wnd.FREIGHT_TERMS_CODE) "Freight Terms",
(SELECT meaning
FROM fnd_lookup_values
WHERE lookup_type ='FOB'
AND language = 'US'
AND lookup_code = wnd.FOB_CODE
AND rownum = 1) "FOB",
wnd.gross_weight "Gross Weight"
(wnd.gross_weight - wnd.net_weight) "Tare Weight",
wnd.net_weight "Net Weight"
wnd.ship_method_code "Ship Method",
carri.carrier_name "Carrier",
wnd.service_level "Service Level",
wnd.mode_of_transport "Mode of Transport",
wnd.number_of_lpn "Number of LPNs",
wnd.routing_instructions "Routing Instructions",
wdoc.sequence_number "Packing Slip"
FROM wsh_new_deliveries wnd,
wsh_delivery_assignments wda,
wsh_delivery_details wdd,
oe_order_headers_all ooha,
oe_order_lines_all oola,
hz_cust_accounts cust_acct,
hz_parties party,
org_organization_definitions ood,
wsh_carriers_v carri,
wsh_document_instances wdoc,
wsh_locations wloc1,
wsh_locations wloc2
WHERE ooha.sold_to_org_id = cust_acct.cust_account_id
AND cust_acct.party_id = party.party_id
AND wnd.delivery_id = wda.delivery_id
AND wda.delivery_detail_id = wdd.delivery_detail_id
AND ooha.header_id = wdd.source_header_id
AND oola.line_id = wdd.source_line_id
AND wnd.carrier_id = carri.carrier_id
AND wnd.ultimate_dropoff_location_id = wloc1.wsh_location_id(+)
AND wnd.initial_pickup_location_id = wloc2.wsh_location_id(+)
AND wnd.delivery_id = wdoc.entity_id(+)
AND wdoc.entity_name(+) = 'WSH_NEW_DELIVERIES'
AND wdoc.document_type(+) = 'PACK_TYPE'
AND wdd.org_id = 235 -- Operating Unit wise records
AND wnd.organization_id = ood.organization_id
ORDER BY wnd.name;
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