This error is related to Shell Script file.
This issue happened due to below reasons:
1. No proper Soft-Link (Symbolic Link) created
2. Converted .prog file to Unix has accidentally converted in DOS format.
Check or use below steps to resolve the error:
1) Convert File format into UNIX
dos2unix XXABC_Shell_Scrp.prog XXABC_Shell_Scrp.prog
2) Make sure that file has execution 777 permissions
=>chmod 777 XXABC_Shell_Scrp.prog
3) Check symbolic link
ln -s $FND_TOP/bin/fndcpesr/ $<PROD_TOP>/bin/<host file name without
=>ln -s $FND_TOP/bin/fndcpesr XXABC_Shell_Scrp
Note: Use shell script file without Extension in Symbolic link creation.
This issue happened due to below reasons:
1. No proper Soft-Link (Symbolic Link) created
2. Converted .prog file to Unix has accidentally converted in DOS format.
Check or use below steps to resolve the error:
1) Convert File format into UNIX
dos2unix XXABC_Shell_Scrp.prog XXABC_Shell_Scrp.prog
2) Make sure that file has execution 777 permissions
=>chmod 777 XXABC_Shell_Scrp.prog
3) Check symbolic link
ln -s $FND_TOP/bin/fndcpesr/ $<PROD_TOP>/bin/<host file name without
=>ln -s $FND_TOP/bin/fndcpesr XXABC_Shell_Scrp
Note: Use shell script file without Extension in Symbolic link creation.
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