SELECT fcpt.user_concurrent_program_name
, fcp.concurrent_program_name
, fet.user_executable_name executable_name
, fe.executable_name executable_short_name
, fet.description
, fe.execution_file_name
, fcp.enabled_flag
, xtt.template_name
, xddv.data_source_name
, xddv.data_source_code
, xl.file_name
, xl.lob_code
, xl.language
, xl.territory
, xl.creation_date
, xl.last_update_date
, fet.user_executable_name executable_name
, fe.executable_name executable_short_name
, fet.description
, fe.execution_file_name
, fcp.enabled_flag
, xtt.template_name
, xddv.data_source_name
, xddv.data_source_code
, xl.file_name
, xl.lob_code
, xl.language
, xl.territory
, xl.creation_date
, xl.last_update_date
FROM fnd_concurrent_programs_tl fcpt
, fnd_concurrent_programs fcp
, xdo_templates_b xtb
, xdo_templates_tl xtt
, xdo_ds_definitions_vl xddv
, xdo_lobs xl
, apps.fnd_executables fe
, apps.fnd_executables_tl fet
, xdo_templates_b xtb
, xdo_templates_tl xtt
, xdo_ds_definitions_vl xddv
, xdo_lobs xl
, apps.fnd_executables fe
, apps.fnd_executables_tl fet
WHERE fcpt.concurrent_program_id = fcp.concurrent_program_id
AND xtb.data_source_code = fcp.concurrent_program_name
AND xtb.template_code = xtt.template_code
AND xtb.data_source_code = xddv.data_source_code
AND xl.lob_code = xtb.template_code
AND xl.xdo_file_type = xtb.template_type_code
AND fet.application_id = fe.application_id
AND fet.executable_id = fe.executable_id
AND fcp.application_id = fe.application_id
AND fcp.executable_id = fe.executable_id
AND fcpt.language = 'US'
AND xtt.language = 'US'
AND fet.language = 'US'
AND xtb.template_code = xtt.template_code
AND xtb.data_source_code = xddv.data_source_code
AND xl.lob_code = xtb.template_code
AND xl.xdo_file_type = xtb.template_type_code
AND fet.application_id = fe.application_id
AND fet.executable_id = fe.executable_id
AND fcp.application_id = fe.application_id
AND fcp.executable_id = fe.executable_id
AND fcpt.language = 'US'
AND xtt.language = 'US'
AND fet.language = 'US'
GROUP BY fcpt.user_concurrent_program_name
, fcp.concurrent_program_name
, fet.user_executable_name
, fe.executable_name
, fet.description
, fe.execution_file_name
, fcp.enabled_flag
, xtt.template_name
, xddv.data_source_name
, xddv.data_source_code
, xl.file_name
, xl.lob_code
, xl.language
, xl.territory
, xl.creation_date
, xl.last_update_date;
, fet.user_executable_name
, fe.executable_name
, fet.description
, fe.execution_file_name
, fcp.enabled_flag
, xtt.template_name
, xddv.data_source_name
, xddv.data_source_code
, xl.file_name
, xl.lob_code
, xl.language
, xl.territory
, xl.creation_date
, xl.last_update_date;